Useful information

School Information
If you are a parent/carer and decide to choose Bridlington School for your child’s education, it is essential that you understand our policies and practices. Please pay particular attention to our Attendance, Behaviour, Safeguarding and Uniform policies under the policies tab. Working in partnership with parents/carers is essential to our students’ success. If you choose Bridlington School, we will need your support to ensure that we can provide the best possible education for your child and every other student in the school. If you do not agree with our policies, please do NOT choose Bridlington School for your child’s education.
If you are a prospective member of staff, it is equally vital that you understand our policies and practice and share our educational vision and values. All our staff are exceptionally dedicated professionals who are 100% committed to ‘going the extra mile’ for our students. More information about Job Vacancies can be seen on our Jobs tab. For information about our hugely successful and dynamic Teacher Training Programmes click here.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
If you want to find out more information about our Special Educational Needs and Disability provision please contact our Special Educational Needs Co-oridnator via the contact page.
Details of our school provision can be found in the SEND policy found on our policies page.
To find out more about services and support available to children and young people from birth to 25 years with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) within East Riding please look at the Local Offer.