Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers

At Bridlington School we offer a wide range of subjects. Going to school is not just about getting qualifications; it is also about developing skills for work and everyday life. Subject teachers will make links to careers that you can pursue if you choose to further your study in that subject.

Making links between school and the workplace

At Bridlington School, we want our students to be able to make clear links between school and their future careers. Each curriculum area is linked to an industry partner. The industry partner is integrated into the curriculum area’s branding, for example, ‘Food – working in partnership with McDonalds’. This gives the staff, students and visitors a visual reminder of the partnership and our commitment to good careers education. There is a clear link between a named person in school and a named person within the industry partner. The aim of these partnerships is to make clear links between what is learnt and in school and the skills required in the workplace.

The aim of these partnerships is to generate a minimum of three meaningful interactions per year, one in key stage 3, one in key stage 4 and one in key stage 5. In these sessions, teaching staff work with industry partner staff to plan and deliver activities that develop students’ subject knowledge and skills, employability skills and knowledge of the workplace. These can be with small groups (such as a class) up to a full year group.

These are iterative partnerships depending upon the needs of the school department and the industry partner. If you are an employer who is interested in getting involved in this exciting venture, please contact us using [email protected].