Huge congratulations to our Year 11 students on their GCSE results.

Congratulations to all our Year 11 students for their fantastic efforts to achieve a great set of exam results this Summer.
Mrs Parker-Randall said:
“We are so very proud of all that our Year 11 students have achieved given the challenges they have faced during their course of study. Their commitment to becoming the best they can be and their focus on their next steps coupled with the grit and resilience they have shown are qualities that will serve them well in the future. Thanks to the tireless efforts of our fabulous staff team and the support of our parents and carers who together have supported our Year 11 students to achieve such great success. We are very much looking forward to celebrating with our Year 11 as they collect their results today.”
All our Year 11 students have worked exceptionally hard throughout KS4 in order to prepare for the return of GCSE exams this summer. We have watched them develop and mature into such fantastic young adults over the past 5 years. Not only have they developed academically but they have also developed personally into well rounded individuals. All our students are moving forward into a range of further education. Many of our students are returning to study with us as part of our school Sixth Form, and we are very much looking forward to welcoming them. Others are moving on to study a wide range of specialist courses at local colleges, these include, East Riding College, Scarborough TEC, Bishop Burton and Hull College. We wish them all the very best of luck. Our Year 11 students should be very proud of all that they have achieved throughout their Bridlington School journey as we certainly are.
Mrs Davidson, Head of Sixth Form said “Firstly, I would like to congratulate all of Year 11 on their wonderful results this year, they have overcome so much to get where they are today. Secondly, I would like to wish a huge warm welcome to those students that are coming to Bridlington School Sixth Form in September. We have amazing mentors and subject specialists ready to guide you and help you grow both academically and as a person too. We are really looking forward to you being part of our Sixth Form family.”
Anyone in year 11 who hasn’t yet sorted their destination for September and is considering Bridlington Sixth Form should contact Mr Pick, Assistant Headteacher on [email protected] or Mrs Davidson, Head of Sixth Form on [email protected].