Careers at Bridlington School
We encourage our students to find something they love, something they’re good at and something the world values to enable them to make a life, not just a living.

We have a comprehensive careers programme designed around the best practice from CDI Framework and Gatsby benchmarks from Good Career Guidance. You can see a model careers programme on our website that should be viewed alongside our life skills learning journey. We work in partnership with our local further education providers and local businesses and national organisations to enrich the curriculum and develop students’ knowledge, skills and aspirations so they can make informed choices about their future pathways and ensure they move onwards and upwards. Our departments each have an industry partner to help the students see how what they are learning in school relates to the real world. We have a programme of external speakers and assemblies to raise students’ awareness of careers information and labour market information.
Careers resources
In a fast moving world, we encourage our students to use reputable online resources to ensure what they are using is up-to-date and relevant. We recommend the following sources for high quality, accessible, up-to-date information on careers.
Information for students
Amazing Apprenticeships’ Student Zone provides high quality up-to-date information on apprenticeships specifically for students.
The Government’s Find an apprenticeship page is a good place to start looking for an apprenticeship but doesn’t currently provide an exhaustive list of all the opportunities available.
Log On Move On provides a common application form and information for all of the areas post-14 and post-16 providers.
Skills East Riding provides up to date local labour market information (LMI)
LMI for All provides high quality national labour market information (LMI)
UCAS provides information about universities and colleges that provide higher education as well as apprenticeships with a common application form and a portal for teachers and advisors to add references and (predicted) grades.
Informed Choices is a website from the Russell Group, the country’s top 24 universities, giving advice on which A-levels to choose depending on future pathways.
The government’s National Careers Service provides a wealth of information for all stakeholders.
For our year 11 and sixth form students we also have a suite of college and university prospectuses which are updated annually.
Information for parents
Amazing Apprenticeships’ Parent and Carer Zone provides high quality up-to-date information on apprenticeships specifically for parents and carers.
The CIPD in partnership with the CEC provide a Guide to Post-16 Career Options for Parents and Carers
The government’s Skills for Life shows people of any age where to find training, support and advice to gain the skills you need for the job they want.
BBC Bitesize has information on careers as well as a parents’ toolkit to support parents in all areas of their child’s education.
The parent’s guide to… has lots of resources for parents to support their child
Please take a couple of minutes to take this survey so that we can continually improve this fantastic program we offer. Thank you
Parent/Carer Evaluation Form
Information for teachers
Amazing Apprenticeships’ Teacher Zone provides high quality up-to-date information on apprenticeships specifically for teachers.
The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) provides inspiration guides for 27 different subjects as well as many other resources for teachers and other careers professionals.
Information for employers
Each of our departments as a link or links with a business or organisation to help enrich the curriculum and raise students’ awareness of future pathways. For example, science has a link with Orsted and food has a link with McDonald’s. We have a work experience programme for year 10 and year 12 in the summer term and a mock interview day in the autumn term. If you could add value to any of these areas or feel you could help in other ways then do not hesitate to get in touch. Our email address is [email protected].
The Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) provides information on how employers can get involved with careers hubs, volunteering in schools and becoming a cornerstone employer or industry partner.

Our careers team
Mr S Pick (Assistant Headteacher); holds a L6 Certificate in Careers Leadership and a L6 Diploma in Career Development Guidance. He is responsible for strategic leadership of the careers programme.
Mrs L Driver (Careers Advisor ); holds a L6 Diploma in Career Guidance. She delivers one-to-one careers guidance and supports implementation of the careers programme.
Mrs H Wilson (Enterprise Advisor); Provides support and challenge to the careers team including external quality assurance of the termly compass evaluation.
Rachel Simpson(Enterprise Coordinator, EC ); Provides support and challenge to the careers team including termly quality assurance of the termly compass evaluation and a day-to-day link to the HEY Careers Hub.
Read more about the Careers Programme