Enrichment at Bridlington School

To support the taught Life Skills curriculum, the school provides a broad range of whole-school enrichment opportunities, including: educational visits, extra-curricular clubs, guest speakers and assemblies.

Educational visits

All school trips have at least one learning objective connected to an element of the curriculum and/or personal development. The school runs numerous trips, from year group rewards trips, to Maths competitions and STEM activities. There is a rich and varied provision that allows many aspects of the SMSC and FBV mandates to be covered, examples include: trips to local law courts, national and local historical sites, the London Libraries, numerous universities, debating competitions, beach cleans, tree planting and visiting members of the local elderly community.

Guest speakers and assemblies

The school also plays host to a wealth of speakers giving regular assemblies, workshops, talks and advice sessions. These include local police, the fire brigade, sexual health nurses, local and national business leaders, LGBTQ+ activists, de-radicalised right wing extremists, ex-criminal gang members, athletes and Old Bridlingtonians.

Extra-curricular clubs

The school runs over 50 different clubs each year with up to 40 available during any week. Emphasis is placed on staff to get involved and show students their wide variety of talents and interests outside of the classroom. Students are encouraged from their very first admissions meeting in Year 6 to involve themselves in the school’s extra-curricular provisions. They are given a timetable of activities which Heads of Year and tutors maintain in their form rooms throughout the year. Clubs run over lunch time and after school.

View the Extra-curricular timetable


Community Involvement

The school plays host to representatives from the local community during its Remembrance Service, Carol Service (held in the local Priory Church), Celebration of Achievement Evening and Sports Personality Awards Night. Groups that have an active involvement in the community and are run by Bridlington School include:

–              The ‘Tomorrow’s Leaders’ group that are a group dedicated to selfless acts.

–              The ‘Eco-Club’ group which promotes environmental conservation.

–              The Bridlington School ‘Pride’ group which provides support for LGBTQ+ students and their allies.

–              Bridlington Sixth Form students are encouraged to volunteer and do so in many aspects of community life.

–              The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

–              The Bridlington School Combined Cadet Force.


Read more about the CCF