Mental Health and Wellbeing
Supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing is very important to us here at Bridlington School, that’s why we’ve set up a support network to ensure that every child can access the help they may need.
Supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing
Please complete our Parent Evaluation Form and tell us how well the school supports mental health.
Supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing is very important to us here at Bridlington School, that’s why we’ve set up a support network to ensure that every child can access the help they may need. We know that mental health and wellbeing have a significant impact on a young person’s attainment and achievement, so we aim to make it a priority to support our students in every possible way.
We are currently working toward the Wellbeing Award for Schools (WAS), an accreditation in conjunction with the National Children’s Bureau that will demonstrate our commitment to improving and developing our knowledge and expertise in helping students and staff with their mental health.
ERYC Support
Within East Riding there are many support services available that young people or their parent/carers can refer themselves for, see below for more information.
Miss Blake – Bridlington School SENCO
Miss Blake is the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinators. Miss Blake joined from September 2021. Our SENCOs works closely with all current, future and past students to make sure that they are receiving the help that they need in school to best access the education that Bridlington School has to offer.
The Pastoral Managers
- Mrs Raybould– Year 7
- Mrs Beasley – Year 8
- Mrs Bolton– Year 9
- Mr Broadley – Year 10
- Mrs Baxter– Year 11
The pastoral managers are a group who work tirelessly with their year groups to make sure all students have an immediate port of call if they are having issues at school. They will help to solve fallouts and disputes and lend a sensitive ear to the needs of their pupils, often as a first step on the road to receiving help.
Current support available:
SMASH – group sessions (all day, once a week for 12 weeks) and 121 sessions
Group sessions cover a full term and a variety of topics such as healthy relationships, managing worry, anxiety, sleep hygiene, anger management, healthy eating.
121 sessions are bespoke and cater to the individuals needs
Emotional Well-being Team
Consists of Child Well-being Workers, Child Well-being Practitioners and BACP registered Counsellors who use a variety of methods including CBT to support our students
School Nurse Appointments (Appointment system rather than drop in)
Appointments are available every Wednesday with a member of our local School Nursing Team and support can vary from a chat to a full Health Needs Assessment.
East Riding Social Prescribers
Work with our students to offer support in areas such as anger management, anxiety, healthy relationships etc
School Counsellors
BACP registered counsellor who dedicates 2 days a week to support our students around a host of topics such as bereavement, anxiety, trauma etc
Mental Health Lead
An extension of the Pastoral Team but also works as part of the safeguarding team; providing support to students who are struggling with their mental health and well-being.
Works closely with and refers into external support services as mentioned above.
Advice can also be accessed online via Facebook or Instagram