School Uniform Policy for Years 7 to 11

High standards and a positive work ethic are central to a successful future. Our school uniform creates a sense of belonging to our school community and sets the tone for all our work.

Students in years 7 to 11 this year are required to wear the following school uniform:

  • Polo Shirt: students will need a blue badge on their white polo shirts.
  • Jumper / Cardigan:  Black Bridlington School sweatshirt / cardigan with a school badge.
  • No other jumper to be worn in school.
  • Trousers: Full length plain black school trousers (no badge required).
    – Students cannot wear: leggings, sportswear, stretch fabric, short / cropped trousers, jeans, chinos, trousers with coloured belts, gold or silver zips
  • Shoes: Low heeled, plain black shoes, no boots (no coloured flashes or coloured soles, ballet shoes or canvas, air bubbles, logos or embellishment)

It is advisable that clothing is clearly marked with the student’s name in case of loss.

PE kit:

Students will be expected to wear: 

·          Navy blue PE shirt with school badge 

·          Navy blue shorts (not cycling shorts)  

·          Navy blue tracksuit bottoms or sports leggings 

·          Long red socks  

·          Trainers  

·          Football boots (certain sports), Gum shield (certain sports), Shin pads (certain sports)  

·          Optional: Navy blue hoodie with school badge. Waterproof sports jacket with school badge. 

We do not allow students to wear any jewellery, except for one stud per ear for those with pierced ears.  No other body piercings are allowed including spacers, clear bars and studs, plasters are also not permitted to be worn over piercings. No rings, necklaces or bracelets are permitted.   

We do not allow accessories to nails including acrylics, varnishes, gels, jewels etc. 

Hair should be clean and well-kept – extreme or unusual styles/unnatural colours are not acceptable. Where necessary students will be asked to tie long hair back for health and safety reasons e.g. during science experiments, PE lessons etc.  

Makeup should be subtle, if worn.  Any student wearing excessive makeup will be asked to remove it, this includes temporary false eyelashes. 

 The Headteacher will have the final decision on the definition of extreme/unusual/unnatural hair styles and makeup.