Weekly Social Media Roundup – February 2023 (Week 3)

[17 Feb 2023]

Another fantastic week for our students at Bridlington School! Here’s our Weekly Roundup for students and parents who may have missed our updates throughout the week across social media.


Year 12 Law Trip

Early last week, our Year 12 Law group went to the Hull Combined Courts to see first hand our legal system in action!

They all looked very smart in their suits and formal clothes for our visit.


Spring Eco Club

In time for Spring, Eco Club will be growing fruits and vegetables this year in collaboration with our 6th Form.

We looked at the possibility of using hydroponics and set up our trial.


Sixth Form Drama Workshop

Our Sixth Form Drama students recently enjoyed a creative workshop delivered by Arcade_Hello with support from former student, Jen Burdon.


Local Artist Visits School

Last week, our Year 9 Art students took part in a workshop with local artist John Naylor. 


See you next week for the next Weekly Social Media Roundup!