Weekly Social Media Roundup – June 2023 (Week 1)

[09 Jun 2023]

Another fantastic week for our students at Bridlington School! Here’s our Weekly Roundup for students and parents who may have missed our updates throughout the week across social media.


Gold Duke of Edinburgh Students

Gold Duke of Edinburgh Students


In 2021, our first cohort of Gold Duke of Edinburgh students completed their award, after a lot of hard work and commitment.

Unfortunately, due to a back-log of presentations from the pandemic, they have only just received their Gold Award. But, some of them had an amazing day at Buckingham Palace, where they had an address from Prince Edward, the current Duke of Edinburgh.

Well done to all of them, their School is very proud!

#BridSchool #Bridlington


National Book Token Competition

McDonalds visit to Bridlington School

Following our Y10 site visit earlier this year to McDonald’s, our students were tasked to design and cook a new dish for the McDonald’s menu 🍟

Here is John Mottram, Area Manager, presenting our winners Woody D and Levi C with their prizes. Both winners received an embroidered apron and family meal voucher as recognition of their tremendous work.

John also help a Q and A session for the students, kicking off a great start to our partnership with McDonald’s.

#BridSchool #Bridlington


Students of the week

Bridlington School Students of the Week


The #StudentsOfTheWeek winners for last week are in… SWIPE to find out ➡️

Huge well done to these students who have perfectly demonstrated our TORCH values.

Keep up the good work!

#BridSchool #Bridlington


See you next week for the next Weekly Social Media Roundup!