Weekly Social Media Roundup – March 2023 (Week 5)

[31 Mar 2023]

Another fantastic week for our students at Bridlington School! Here’s our Weekly Roundup for students and parents who may have missed our updates throughout the week across social media.


Sewerby Park Run

We recently joined 196 runners at the Sewerby park run for our second ‘Couch to 5K’ graduation – there was personal bests all around!

A special shoutout to James from Y9 who finished in 29:09 to record a personal best by over 3 minutes, as well as Mrs Byron who graduated and Mr Pick who aced a personal best for the course and finished in 9th place!

Well done all involved!


Prom Shop

We are excited to announce the return of our prom shop this year – we should be up and running soon, so keep your eyes peeled for more information. 

We will be stocking lots of beautiful dresses for hire, and don’t forget, students can use their stamps towards the cost of hiring!


See you next week for the next Weekly Social Media Roundup!