Harland House
We aim to provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment in which students can excel and thrive.
Students’ thoughts, feelings and opinions will be valued and students challenged and motivated to achieve their personal goals, to promote a sense of achievement and self-worth because every child matters at Harland House.

Harland House is Bridlington School’s Enhanced Resource Provision. It caters for KS3 students who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), and experience social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties.
Harland House is based in an old caretaker’s house with its own gardens, and a corridor above admin in the main school building. These areas are known as HH House and HH Attic. They are both secured with limited access to the main school and main road. Both areas are self- contained, creating a homely feel, with a kitchen, comfortable area, toilets and beautiful gardens, as well classrooms fitted with the latest technology.
Students are able to access main school for PE, dinner and, at times, mainstream lessons. The aim is to further develop students’ social and academic skills by encouraging independence and integration within a mainstream school environment. Hopefully, this will give our students the confidence to move into further education and be prepared for adulthood.
Our vision is that all members of our Harland House family – students, families, staff and professionals – feel:
Happy & Healthy; Confident & Contributing; Valued Members of Society.
We aim to provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment in which students can excel and thrive. Students’ thoughts, feelings and opinions will be valued and students challenged and motivated to achieve their personal goals, to promote a sense of achievement and self-worth because every child matters at Harland House.
To achieve this, we:
· Provide a caring and supportive environment within a ‘safe haven’
· Develop positive relationships
· Listen to the needs of students and families
· Provide confidence boosting opportunities
· Provide opportunities that develop social skills
· Equip students with coping strategies for school and outside life
· Improve Literacy & Numeracy skills
· Provide personalised programmes of work
· Offer an aspirational ‘No Boundaries’ curriculum
Harland House students enjoy bespoke learning pathways tailored to their individual needs and recognise the need for peer group and adult interactions. Our ‘No Boundaries’ curriculum prioritises and promotes Reading and Social, Emotional and Mental Health skills through a topic based/thematic approach embedding nurturing principles.
We aim to stretch and challenge each student’s academic ability, to achieve/exceed their targets by the end of their learning with Harland House.
Within this, students are offered a rich and varied curriculum including literacy, numeracy, the sciences and digital skills as well as subjects that are creative, physical and develop life skills.
Approaches to teaching and learning are equally varied and range from adult led activities, independent learning, student-led learning, various computer packages and purposeful curriculum enrichment trips and visits off site.
Referral Procedures
Students are referred by the SEN Team at the East Riding of Yorkshire Local Authority as a result of Educational Health Care Plan Reviews. The admission procedure can be obtained on request.