Sixth Form
At Bridlington Sixth Form we are a family. We look out for each other and support each other to be the very best version of ourselves. We’re an inclusive community and we pride ourselves on celebrating success and achievements.
If you are an external candidate, please email our Head of Sixth Form Mrs Davidson at [email protected] about your application. Internal applicants can use this link.

Don’t get lost in the crowd.
Our Sixth Form offers a dynamic, friendly and thriving learning environment where all of our students are treated as individuals.
By staying on in Sixth Form, you’ll have all the benefits of knowing the place and the teachers, so you can get stuck right into your studies. Our students progress to fantastic futures, whether that’s University, employment or apprenticeships and we offer an impressive choice of different courses and qualifications to suit a broad range of different learners.

We have a strong emphasis on future pathways and developing aspirations, whether you are looking at university, higher/degree apprenticeship or employment.
To help develop our students we have developed a wide range of partnerships including Russell Group university partnerships such Next Step York (University of York), Newcastle Partners (Newcastle University) and an emerging partnership with King’s College, Cambridge.
We partner with Morrison’s to deliver our year 13 Employability Skills Programme and are proud members of the Bridlington Medical and Health and Social Care Academy for students looking at one of the 365 roles in the NHS. This emphasis on advice and guidance means all of our students go on to positive destinations.
We are very proud of our Sixth Formers, who all play an active part in the academic and social life of the school through the range of enrichment opportunities available, acting as positive role models for younger students.
Our learning environment is a fun, new experience that’s different to school, inspiring you to go further.
The opportunities are endless – by staying on in Sixth Form, you’ll have all the benefits of knowing the place and the teachers, so you can get stuck right in to your studies. Our students progress to fantastic futures, whether that’s University, employment or apprenticeships.
We’re here to help our students go further:
- Specialist teaching
- Personalised learning
- Pastoral support
- Careers advice

Enrichment and social opportunities for sixth formers include:
- Combined Cadet Force (CCF)
- Volunteering
- Work experience
- Dedicated social area & kitchen
- Head Boy, Head Girl and Prefect Programme
- Young Enterprise Company Programme
- National Citizen Service
- V Inspired Volunteering Programme
- York and Cambridge University Residentials
- Royal Society of Chemistry ‘Top of the Bench’
- Pizza Days
- Public Speaking Competitions
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Undergraduate Mentor Programme
- Sport Leadership Academy
- Car Rally Quiz
- Numerous Social Events
- Bridlington Medical, Health and Social Care Academy