Welcome to Bridlington School
Bridlington School is a maintained secondary school for 11-18 year olds based in Bridlington with approximately 1100 students on roll including Sixth Form.
We have a relentless focus on high quality teaching and learning and have high expectations of all our students and staff.
As Headteacher of Bridlington School, I am delighted to share our school’s values with you.
Our aim is to “hand on the torch of life” by providing a well-rounded education that allows all students to achieve their full potential and go out into the world as successful citizens.
We have a passion for “making a difference” to the lives of others and believe that with the right support any student can compete with the best locally, nationally and internationally.
Our ‘Bridlington School family’ is an inclusive community where a passion for learning is ignited. We pride ourselves on celebrating successes and achievements and supporting others to fan the sparks of an individual’s hopes, ambitions and dreams into flames.
If you would like to arrange a visit to our school, please contact: 01262 672593
Mrs K Parker-Randall