Course: Textiles

Level: GCSE

Course Content

In this course students will learn the following fundamental skills:

  • Techniques of applying pattern/decoration to fabric;
  • Textile construction techniques;
  • Research and investigation based on historical and contemporary artists and designers;
  • Designing, planning and organisation.

Students who are successful on this course need to:

  • Have an interest in art and crafts, enjoy working with textiles materials and want to learn a wide range of surface pattern decoration techniques;
  • Be prepared to experiment with new ideas and processes;
  • Be able to work independently with a good level of self-motivation.


Coursework Portfolio (60% of the final grade): Students require a minimum of 2 units internally set and developed from personal and/or given starting points, over two to three sustained projects with a practical outcome. From work undertaken within the course, each student will then need to select and present their work in a portfolio. The student’s portfolio will evidence how they have met each of the assessment objectives.

Examination (40% of the final grade): An externally set task is completed in ten hours under exam conditions with several weeks preparation time beforehand. The task requires a sustained period of focused study and requires evidence of how a student has met each of the assessment objectives.


Students can progress to study:

  • Advanced Level Art Textiles course
  • BTEC Art Craft and Design
  • Other Textiles related subjects such as Fashion Design.

Future Careers: The textiles industry is one of the largest industries in the world. There are numerous career paths that a student could follow from being a designer to buying and sourcing merchandise for a textile company.

Students who have actually studied this subject at Bridlington School have gone on to have successful careers in the textile industry. Most notably we have ex-students who design for MaxMara and Disney. Another ex-student who studied knitted textiles at university has gone on to manufacture knitted fabrics in China.

Student Video

Teacher Video